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Planning Board Minutes-May 17, 2010

Minutes of the Meeting of
May 17, 2010


        Chairman Philip Lindquist called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

        Members Present:        Philip Lindquist, Chairman
                                Joan DiLillo, Vice Chairman
                                Richard Flynn, Clerk
                                Kenneth Lawson, Member

        Members Absent: David Nagle, Member

        Others Present: Noreen O’Toole, Town Planner
                                Barbara Ferguson, Administrative Assistant


        Acceptance of Minutes of Meeting of April 26, 2010

        Motion to accept the minutes of April 26, 2010: Joan DiLillo
        Second: Kenneth Lawson
        Vote: 3-0-1 (Richard Flynn abstaining)

        Acceptance of Minutes of Executive Session of April 26, 2010

        Motion to accept and hold the minutes of Executive Session of April 26, 2010:           Joan DiLillo
        Second: Kenneth Lawson
        Vote: 3-0-1 (Richard Flynn abstaining)

        Zoning Bylaw Committee

        Town Planner Noreen O’Toole told the Board that the Energy Committee has submitted a proposed bylaw relative to renewable resources and the stretch code.  Building Inspector Robert Curran favors the proposal, she said.

        Old Colony Planning Council Joint Transportation Committee

        Ms. O’Toole told the Board that she would be attending an Old Colony Planning Council dinner meeting on Thursday, May 27, 2010 at 6 pm. at Massasoit.

        Other Matters

        Ms. O’Toole asked Board member to remember to call the Planning Board office if they are unable to attend a meeting so it can be cancelled if there is not going to be a quorum.

        Valley Forge Road

        The Board met with Amy Johnson and Kerry Walker of Valley Forge Road to give them an update on planned improvements to their road.  Town Planner Noreen O’Toole said the John DeLano of John Delano and Associates had reviewed the plans for Valley Forge Road and that he would be meeting soon with developer Roy Vinton and potential road pavers at the site.  Ms. O’Toole told the Board she expected to have more information by the next meeting.

        Stonebridge Commons
        Reduction of Bond for Pulte Homes

        Board members noted a May 14, 2010 letter from Kopelman and Paige, town counsel, indicating that it was all right for the Board to agree to a reduction in the amount of Pulte’s performance bond to reflect the remaining cost of improvements for the portion of the project that remains under Pulte’s control. The estimate from the Board’s review engineer, MerrillAssociates, to complete the project is $198,874.15 including a 20 percent contingency. Pulte representative, Reid Blute, told the Board that he expected the treatment plant to be on line by the end of August and his company’s portion of the project to be completed by December.

        Motion to reduce the bond for Pulte’s section of Stonebridge Commons to                         $200,000: Richard Flynn
        Second: Kenneth Larsen
        Vote: 4-0

        Public Hearing
        Proposed Improvements to Union Park Street
        (See separate minutes)

        Residents, William Way

        The Board met with Regina Bean of William Way and her engineer, Steven Bernstein of SLB Group, LLC of Stoughton, to hear his opinions and recommendations regarding the flooding that occurred in Mrs. Bean’s basement during the storms in March that produced over 22 inches of rain. Also present was the Board’s review engineer, John DeLano of John W. DeLano and Associates.

        In his report Mr. Bernstein pointed out two diversions from the plans approved by the Board of health relative to the foundation and cellar slab and height deviations from the approved design for the retention basin on Mrs. Bean’s property.

        He recommended that the spillway be lowered, that the saplings in the forebay be removed, that a metal grate be installed over the concrete pipe, that a six-foot fence with gates be erected around the entire two basins, that an interceptor trench be constructed on the town’s drainage easement parallel to the forebay, and that the Beans be allowed to connect a gravity drain line from their basement to the new interceptor trench.

        At the conclusion of the presentation, the board told Mr. Bernstein that a copy of his report would be sent to the Selectmen’s Office.


        June Meeting Dates

        Board members set June 14, 2010 as their next meeting date.



        Application of Robert Bethoney for site plan approval to allow a karate studio within the existing building with related signage at 60 Monponsett Street, Map 40, Lot 2, Hanson Assessors Map.

        COMMENT:        Refer to Zoning Board of Appeals

        Application of Mark Comeau for a special permit to allow an in-law apartment at 112 Glenwood Place, Map 116, Lot 1, Hanson Assessors Map

        COMMENT:        Refer to Zoning Board of Appeals


        Motion to adjourn: Joan DiLillo
        Second: Richard Flynn
        Vote: 4-0